品牌沙英喜 | 有效期至长期有效 |
最后更新2022-04-20 22:07 |
浏览次数98 |
一、化学名: 柠檬酸铵,柠檬酸三铵 二、分子式: C6H17N3O7 三、分子量:243.22 四、CAS:3458-72-8 五、性能:白色晶体或结晶性粉末。易溶于水,稀出游离酸。 六、用途:缓冲剂、乳化盐。EEC主要用于干酪加工。 七、包装: 内衬聚乙烯塑料袋,外套复合塑料编织袋包装,每袋净重25kg。 八、贮存与运输:本品应贮存在干燥通风清洁的库房中,装载运输时要轻装轻放,防止包装破损,防止受潮、受热,运输过程中防止雨淋受潮,应与有毒物品隔离。
质量指标 | Specification | E380 | FCC VII |
含量,w/% ≥ | Assay(C6H17N3O7),w/% ≥ | 97.0 | 97.0 |
草酸盐 (以草酸计),w/% ≤ | Oxalate(As oxalic acid),w/% ≤ | 0.04 | Pass test |
砷(As),mg/kg ≤ | Arsenic, mg/kg ≤ | 3 | ——— |
铅(Pb),mg/kg ≤ | Lead,mg/kg ≤ | 2 | 2 |
汞(Hg),mg/kg ≤ | Mercury,mg/kg ≤ | 1 | ——— |
1、 Chemical Name: Triammo
nium Citrate 2、Molecular Formula: C6H17N3O7 3、Molecular Weight: 243.22 4、CAS: 3458-72-8 5、Character: White crystals or crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water, dilute free acid. 6、Usage: Buffering agent, Emulsifying salt, Cheese processing 7、Packing: It is packed with polyethylene bag as inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg. 8、Storage & Transportation: It should be stored in a dry and ventilative warehouse, kept away from heat and moisture during transportation, unloaded with care so as to avoid damage. Furthermore, it must be stored separately from poiso
nous substances. 产品用于食品、医药、试剂、电镀、电子等多行业,我工厂实力雄厚,产量大,已和国内外众多大公司合作,很够满足多方需求,欢迎来场参观指导考察!