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最后更新2018-05-21 23:37 |
浏览次数832 |
品牌:进口 | 产品规格:齐全 |
产地:广东东莞市 | 包装说明: |
CAS/标准: | 运输说明: |
1. hand: acrylic material quality silky feel mellow, and without stains, fingerprints.
2. thickness: the thickness is the hard standard of the acrylic bearing range, and the 6~12 millimeter is the common thickness.
3. uniformity: whether or not the color is uniform is also one of the criteria for judging whether or not the acrylic is good or bad.
4. Hardware: the hardware with good quality and beautiful appearance is very important for transparent furniture. Inferior hardware easily in long time caused by the use of abstruse and rust, flexible etc.. How to identify the acrylic plate
At present, a new type of acrylic bathtub has been developed in China, which has gradually been recognized by consumers. But there are three kinds of acrylic plates in the domestic market: the acrylic board for sanitary ware, the ordinary acrylic board and the ABS acrylic composite board. The latter two kinds of plates have some defects because of their material. In fact, they are not suitable for making bathtubs and bathtubs.
Acryl chemical name methyl methacrylate, that is, "organic glass". The special acrylic plate for sanitary ware has excellent surface finish, its wear resistance is equivalent to aluminum, it is not easy to wipe hair and easy to clean. If a surface accidental scratch occurs, the removal can be quickly and convenient as long as the polishing agent is used. The plate itself has a certain elasticity, even if the surface is subjected to a certain impact, it is not easy to open.美国钢铁协会发布公告称,2017年美国的钢铁总进口量达3812.1万吨,同比增长了15.4%。其中,成材的进口量达2955.8万吨,同比增长12.2%;进口成材的市场份额约为27%。2017年,美国钢材的进口来源国依次是:韩国375.3万吨,同比下降2%;土耳其219.1万吨,下降9%;日本150.4万吨,下降16%;德国140.5万吨,增长18%。与2016年相比,2017年美国主要钢铁产品的产量都有了显著增长。其中,石油专用管材产量增长了196%,线管产量增长了63%,标准管产量增长了40%,机械管产量增长了30%,热轧钢筋产量增长了23%,冷轧板产量增长了16%,薄板和带材(剥除所有其他金属涂层)产量增长了14%,热镀锌薄板和带钢产量增长了10%。
∫ PA66瑞士EMS AZ3”PMMA plate
3. the temperature of polymethyl methacrylate began to flow at about 160 degrees C, and the decomposition temperature was higher than 270 degrees C, with a wider range of processing temperature.
4., polymethyl methacrylate melt has higher viscosity and faster cooling rate, and products are prone to produce internal stress. Therefore, molding process requires strict control of process conditions, and post processing is also needed after products are molded.
5., polymethyl methacrylate is amorphous polymer. Its shrinkage and its range of variation are relatively small. Generally, it is about 0.5%-0.8%, which helps to form high precision plastic parts.
6. good cutting performance of PMMA, the profile can be easily machined to the required size. Molding key
Polymethyl methacrylate can be used in casting, injection molding, extrusion and thermoforming.
casting molding
The casting is used to shape the material of the organic glass sheet and rod, that is, the shape of the material is formed by the method of bulk polymerization. After casting, the products need to be treated after treatment. The post treatment conditions are 2H at 60 C and 2H at 120.
injection molding钢铁建设项目重大变动清单 :1.烧结、炼铁、炼钢工序生产能力增加10%及以上;球团、轧钢工序生产能力增加30%及以上。 2.项目重新选址;在原厂址附近调整(包括总平面布置变化)导致防护距离内新增敏感点。3. 生产工艺流程、参数变化或主要原辅材料、燃料变化,导致新增污染物或污染物排放量增加。4.厂内大宗物料转运、装卸或贮存方式变化,导致大气污染物无组织排放量增加。5. 废水、废气处理工艺变化,导致新增污染物或污染物排放量增加(废气无组织排放改为有组织排放除外)。 6. 烧结机头废气、烧结机尾废气、球团焙烧废气、高炉矿槽废气、高炉出铁场废气、转炉二次烟气、电炉烟气排气筒高度降低 10% 及以上。 7. 新增废水排放口;废水排放去向由间接排放改为直接排放;直接排放口位置变化导致不利环境影响加重。 8. 其他可能导致环境影响或环境风险增大的环保措施变化。
The injection molding is made of particles made by suspension polymerization, which is formed on a common plunger type or screw type injection molding machine. Table 1 is a typical process condition for the injection molding of polymethyl methacrylate.
Process parameter screw injection molding machine plunger injection molding machine
The rear part of the barrel temperature is 180-200 180-200
Central 190-230
The front 180-210 210-240
The temperature of the nozzle is 180-210 210-240
Die temperature 40-80 40-80
Injection pressure MPa 80-120 80-130
Pressure holding pressure MPa 40-60 40-60
Screw speed rp.m-1 20-30
Injection products also need post-processing to eliminate internal stress. The treatment is carried out in a hot air drying box at 70-80 degrees. The thickness of processed products is generally 4H.