有效期至长期有效 |
最后更新2018-05-21 23:36 |
浏览次数599 |
品牌:进口 | 产品规格:齐全 |
产地:广东东莞市 | 包装说明: |
CAS/标准: | 运输说明: |
Refers to the ability of pigments to withstand a variety of climate. These include visible and ultraviolet light, moisture, temperature, atmospheric chlorination, and chemicals encountered during the use of products. The most important weatherability, including the persistence of color fading, powdering resistance and physical properties. Organic pigments are poor because of their different structures. In addition, the weatherability of the pigment is seriously affected in the formula containing white pigment.
The color fading, darkening, or color change of the pigment, usually caused by the reaction gene of the pigment. These reactive genes can interact with water or chemical agents in the atmosphere, acids and bases. For example, cadmium yellow will fade under the action of water and sunlight. Rissol red has good light resistance, suitable for most indoor applications, and it will fade badly when it is used outdoor with acid and alkali components.
The determination method of dehydrochlorination was 180 degrees centigrade by JIS-K-6723. The time of 2月份亚洲长材价格上涨。中国内长材市场价格也上涨, 兰格云商监测数据显示,2月份国内长材价格水平为4330元人民币,比上月上涨了190元人民币,月环比上涨4.2%。日本市场,钢铁企业对未来看好,基于钢铁业、建筑业和机械制造业利润幅度提高, 神户钢铁将2017财年销售利润预期由此前的350亿日元提升至450亿日元。由于建筑业需求状况较佳,3月份起,日本最大的电炉炼钢企业东京制钢将旗下四个钢厂中三家钢厂的废钢采购价格提高500-1000日元/吨(4.7-9.4美元/吨)。本次调价是六周以来该电炉钢厂第一次提高废钢采购价。提价后,tahara钢厂h2等级废钢采购价格提高至37500日元/吨,kyushu钢厂h2等级废钢采购价格提高至35500日元/吨,utsunomiya钢厂h2等级废钢采购价格提高至36500日元/吨。日本市场建筑钢材需求不断增强,所有小型钢厂都忙于生产,从而导致废钢供应偏紧。预计3月份亚洲长材市场将会保持上涨局面(详见表3)。dechloroethylene with uncoloured PVC compound is based on the time of dechloroethylene. The prolongation or retarding time is 5%, 10% interval meter, and the negative value means accelerated decomposition. stability
The softening point of PVC resin is low, about 75-80 C, and the embrittlement temperature is lower than -50~-60 C. The temperature of most products is not more than 55 C, and the special formula can reach 90 C. If the PVC resin is pure head and sex connection, and it has no branched chain and unsaturated bond, even though the C-Cl bond energy is relatively small, the stability of PVC resin should be relatively high. But even if the polyvinyl ♂ HIPS基础创新塑料CL4310↑chloride resin with high purity is over 100 degrees centigrade or is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the hydrogen chloride gas begins to escape. It shows that there is a sharp group or an unstable structure in its molecular structure. The longer the time, the more the degradation, the higher the temperature, the faster the degradation rate, the faster the solution speed in the oxygen or air. [6]
Electrical properties
Polyvinyl chloride is a polar polymer, and has strong affinity for conductive materials such as water. So its resistance is smaller than that of non-polar polyolefin, but it still has high volume electrical Yin and breakdown voltage. The polar group of PVC is directly attached to the main chain. Under the glass transition temperature, the dipole segment is limited by the atoms of the main chain of the frozen structure, so it can not move. So it does not produce even polarization. It can be used as a high frequency insulation material at room temperature. The electrical insulation of the suspension resin is 10-100 times higher than that of the floating resin when the wire is used as insulation. The presence of chlorine ions produced by degradation will reduce the electrical insulation.♂ HIPS基础创新塑料CL4310↑
Development of PVC