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最后更新2018-05-21 23:35 |
浏览次数622 |
品牌:进口 | 产品规格:齐全 |
产地:广东东莞市 | 包装说明: |
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The addition of antioxidant can prevent the degradation of the polymer during processing and prevent the oxidation of the finished products in use. Antistatic additives are used in many packaging grades to reduce the adhesion of bottles or packages to dust and dirt. Specific applications require special additive formulations, such as copper inhibitors related to the use of wires and cables. Excellent weather resistance and anti ultraviolet (or sunlight) can be added by adding anti UV additives. PE is not added to UV or carbon black, and it is recommended not to be used outdoors. High grade carbon black pigments provide excellent anti UV properties and are often used outdoors, such as wires, cables, tank village floors, or pipes. Processing method
Main uses¢ POM 日本三菱工程 FT2020-N╗涨跌幅度(%)
1 injection products: turnaround box, cap, bucket, cap, food container, disc, garbage box, box, and plastic flower
2 blow molding products: hollow molding products, such as all kinds of blow molding barrels, containers, bottles, cleaning agents, chemicals, cosmetics, gasoline tanks, daily necessities, etc. There are film products such as food packaging bags, shopping bags, sundry goods, fertilizer lined film etc..
3, extruded products: pipes and fittings are mainly used for gas transportation, public water and chemical transportation, such as building drainage pipes, gas pipes, hot water pipes and so on: sheet materials are mainly used for seats, suitcases, transport containers and so on.
4 rotary molding: injection products such as large containers, storage tanks, barrels, boxes and so on.
5, polyethylene can be processed into film, wire and cable sheath, pipe material, all kinds of hollow products, injection products, fiber and so on. Widely used in agriculture, packaging, electronic and electrical, mechanical, automobile, household goods etc.. [3]
Usually, octene and ethylene are copolymerized and butenes in a solution phase reactor. Hexene and ethylene are polymerized in the gas phase reactor. The LLDPE resin produced in the gas phase reactor is a granular form, and can be powder or further processed into granular materials for sale. With hexene and octene is based on a new generation of super LLDPE from mobile, union carbide. Novacor and Tao plastics and other companies launched. These materials have a great toughness limit and have new potential in the application of automatic removal of bags. Very low density PE resin (density below 0.910g/cc.) The flexibility and softness of VLDPES can not be reached by LLDPE. The properties of the resin are generally embodied in the melting index and density. The melt index can reflect the average molecular weight of the resin and is mainly controlled by the reaction temperature. The average molecular weight is not related to the molecular weight distribution (MWD). The selection of catalyst ¢ POM 日本三菱工程 FT2020-N╗affects MWD. The density depends on the concentration of the monomer in the polyethylene chain. The density of the resin is controlled by controlling the number of short branched chains by the concentration of the monomers (whose length depends on the monomer type used for copolymerization). The higher the concentration of the monomer, the lower the density of the resin. In structure, LLDPE is different from LDPE in the number and type of the branch chain. The high pressure LDPE has long branched chain, and the linear LDPE only has short branched chain.
The rheological properties of LLDPE can be summed up as "shear time rigid" and "extended soft". When LLDPE is used instead of LDPE, the film extrusion equipment and conditions must be modified. The high viscosity of the LLDPE requires a greater power of the extruder and provides higher melt temperature and pressure. The gap between the die and the die must be widened to avoid reducing the output due to the high back pressure and the melt fracture. The size of the general gap gap between LDPE and LLDPE is O.024~0.040 in. and 0.060 - 0.10in respectively.¢ POM 日本三菱工程 FT2020-N╗
The "extended softness" of LLDPE is a drawback in the film blowing process. The bubble film of LLDPE is not as stable as LDPE. The normal single lip wind ring is stable to the LDPE, which is sufficient to use.LLDPE specific vesicles to require more perfect lip wind rings to stabilize. Cooling the internal vesicles with a double lip ring can increase the stability of the membrane and improve the production capacity of the film at the same time. In addition to the better cooling of the film, many film manufacturers use LDPE blending to enhance LLDPE solubility. The extrusion of LLDPE can be completed on the existing LDPE film equipment, when the LLDPE concentration of LDPE blend reaches 50%. When processing 100% LLDPE or LLDPE rich blends with LDPE, the general LDPE extruder is used, and the equipment must be improved. According to the life of the extruder, it is possible to widen the die gap, improve the air ring, modify the screw design to better extrude, and increase the motor power and torque if 钢铁建设项目重大变动清单 :1.烧结、炼铁、炼钢工序生产能力增加10%及以上;球团、轧钢工序生产能力增加30%及以上。 2.项目重新选址;在原厂址附近调整(包括总平面布置变化)导致防护距离内新增敏感点。3. 生产工艺流程、参数变化或主要原辅材料、燃料变化,导致新增污染物或污染物排放量增加。4.厂内大宗物料转运、装卸或贮存方式变化,导致大气污染物无组织排放量增加。5. 废水、废气处理工艺变化,导致新增污染物或污染物排放量增加(废气无组织排放改为有组织排放除外)。 6. 烧结机头废气、烧结机尾废气、球团焙烧废气、高炉矿槽废气、高炉出铁场废气、转炉二次烟气、电炉烟气排气筒高度降低 10% 及以上。 7. 新增废水排放口;废水排放去向由间接排放改为直接排放;直接排放口位置变化导致不利环境影响加重。 8. 其他可能导致环境影响或环境风险增大的环保措施变化。necessary. For injection applications, there is no need to improve the equipment, but the processing conditions need to be optimized. Rotational processing requirements of LLDPE grinding into uniform particles (35 mesh). The process includes filling the mold with a powder like LLDPE, heating and rotating the die with a biaxial direction to make the LLDPE evenly distributed. After cooling, the product is removed from the mold.