有效期至长期有效 |
最后更新2018-05-21 23:31 |
浏览次数229 |
品牌:进口 | 产品规格:齐全 |
产地:广东东莞市 | 包装说明: |
CAS/标准: | 运输说明: |
With the special requirements of PVC materials need to be imported from abroad, more famous in foreign countries are the United States and the Nordic Union Carbide Chemical Company, with the accumulation of China's scientific research institutes and production units of the R & D and manufacturing technology, formulation design, domestic PVC modified materials have reached the international advanced level. Has replaced the imported materials completely, many products have been exported to foreign countries. [7]
Prospects for development『 简要:2月份国际钢材市场整体稳中趋涨。欧洲市场,出现分化,扁平材市场继续上涨,只是上涨节奏有所减缓;长型材市场失去了废钢、方坯等原材料市场的支撑,出现了一定程度的回落。北美市场,随着贸易保护措施的进一步升级,美国钢铁市场变得越来越“封闭”,特朗普政府高调宣布对所有钢材进口资源征收25%的高额关税,如果该项贸易保护措施得以实施,那么美国市场对进口资源的威胁将完全消除,这种背景下,北美钢材价格继续快速上涨。亚洲市场,中国国内市场在经历了短暂的回调整理之后,重回上涨轨道,此外中国的去产能政策使得中国为主的亚洲市场供求状况大大改善,也将支撑亚洲市场维持上涨的势头。因此我们预计3月份国际钢材市场将会稳健上行。』
polyvinyl chloride
3 export issues
As the PVC downstream consumer market is expanding year by year, the PVC industry in India has a greater opportunity for development. According to Rajesh Deshpande, the growth of the downstream consumer market for PVC products in India is due to many aspects. The government's investment in infrastructure construction has increased year by year. Statistics show that the "12th Five-Year" period, the India government investment in infrastructure construction will reach $890 billion; the construction of rural infrastructure development fund increased to $3 billion 500 million; for rural drinking water and sanitation investment budget of $2 billion 500 million; it will invest $53 million to strengthen the construction of irrigation system; in the Delhi Mumbai industrial corridor, will invest $90 billion for the construction of large-scale infrastructure, the Japanese government sponsored 4 billion 500 million dollars.Φ PBT美国杜邦SK652FR NC010→
Although the gap between supply and demand is large, the PVC industry in India is facing certain challenges due to the greater competitive advantage of the imported products. Rajesh Deshpande admitted that the development of India PVC industry there are still some problems: for example, the user also failed to see the plastic pipe material pipe compared with the traditional advantage; environmentalists and non-governmental organizations from the perspective of environmental hazards of plastic pipe production enterprises do not harm; focus on its product quality control etc.. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable development in India PVC industry, we must constantly develop new products, new technologies, and pay more attention to the recycling and reuse of PVC supplies.Φ PBT美国杜邦SK652FR NC010→
With stable physical and chemical properties, insoluble in water, alcohol, gasoline, gas and water vapor permeability is low; under normal temperature for any concentration of hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, 90% of the 50 - 60% nitric acid and 20% following caustic soda solution, with certain chemical corrosion resistance; for salt is quite stable, but can dissolved in ether, ketone, chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons and other organic solvents.
HPVC/SBR blend thermoplastic elastomer