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最后更新2018-05-21 23:31 |
浏览次数703 |
品牌:进口 | 产品规格:齐全 |
产地:广东东莞市 | 包装说明: |
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Propylene film
PP production in China will increase greatly in the next few years, but production is still in short supply. China has become the largest net importer of polypropylene in the world. However, because of the rapid growth of domestic output, the dependence on imports has generally declined. In the next few years, the apparent consumption will remain high, the import volume will increase and the polypropylene industry has a broad prospect in China in the next few years.
Production process
It is polymerized by vinyl acetate in the presence of acetic acid. The degree of polymerization is 250~600. After polymerization, the residual trace catalyst (usually peroxide), monomer and / or solvent are removed by vacuum drying, steam stripping, washing or combined treatment.{ PBT日本宝理711SA BK∨
In the presence of acetic acid, benzoyl peroxide is used as initiator, vinyl acetate is bulk polymerized, or polyvinyl alcohol is used as dispersant, and the solution polymerized 2 to 6h at 70~90 degree temperature in the solvent. The product is 250~600.
Variety and model
Isotactic polypropylene, random polypropylene and syndiotactic polypropylene
Polypropylene molecules contain methyl group. They are divided into isotactic polypropylene (isotactic polyPropylene), atactic polypropylene (atactic PolyPropylene) and syndiotactic polypropylene (syndiotatic Polypropylene) according to their methyl positions. The methyl arrangement is called the isotactic polypropylene on the same side of the main chain. If methyl is distributed orderly on both sides of the main chain, it is called atactic polypropylene. When methyl is alternately arranged on both sides of the main chain, it is called { PBT日本宝理711SA BK∨syndiotactic polypropylene. The general production of polypropylene resin, the content of isotactic structure (called isotacticity) is about 95%, the rest is random or syndiotactic polypropylene. The polypropylene resin produced in our country is classified according to the melting index and the additives added.
Random polypropylene is a by-product of the production of isotactic polypropylene. The isotactic polypropylene is produced in the isotactic polypropylene production, and the isotactic polypropylene is separated from the random polypropylene by separation.在2月2日至3日在京召开的2018年全国环境保护工作会议上,环保部部长李干杰介绍,今年我国将制定实施打赢蓝天保卫战三年作战计划,启动钢铁行业超低排放改造,还要出台京津冀及周边地区、长三角、汾渭平原等重点区域大气污染防治实施方案。到2020年,全国未达标城市pm2.5平均浓度要比2015年降低18%,地级及以上城市优良天数比例达到80%。这也是“十三五”规划提出的约束性指标。
Random polypropylene is a high elastic thermoplastic material, it has good tensile strength. It can also be vulcanized like ethylene propylene rubber.
Production method