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15818465693 076933214396
  • 发货地  广东 东莞市
  • 经营模式|贸易型
  • 注册资本|150万人民币
  • 企业类型|企业单位(贸易型)
  • 公司地区|广东/东莞市
  • 公司荣誉|
  • 暂无产品目录
有效期至长期有效 最后更新2018-05-14 23:13


品牌:进口 产品规格:25KG 产地:广东东莞 包装说明: CAS/标准: 运输说明: PP HP420M PP HP420M╋▲‘PA6 PK0049
▲‘PA6 RS6030AT
▲‘ABS M750
▲‘PC GS2020M
▲‘PEI HU1000-7HD395
▲‘TPU 1190A10Y
PC/▲‘ABS HI-140
▲‘POM E3120BM
▲‘ABS CM6140
▲‘TPE HX-555AN
▲‘PP 5341E1
▲‘PP SD233CF
长期供应PP HP420M PP HP420M╋欢迎来电咨询:158-1846-5693(周生)0769-3321-4396千泰塑胶,提供MSDS,SGS,出厂认证等等材质报告....Long-term supply
PA6 mold temperature significantly affects the crystallinity, while crystallinity affects the mechanical properties of the plastic parts. The crystallinity is very important for structural components, so it is recommended that the die temperature is 80-90 degrees centigrade. Higher die temperatures are also recommended for thin-walled, longer flow plastic parts. Increasing the mold temperature can improve the strength and stiffness of the plastic parts, but reduce the toughness. If the wall thickness is greater than 3mm, a 20-40 degree low temperature mold is recommended. For glass fiber reinforced materials, the mold temperature shall be greater than 80 degrees centigrade. Injection pressure: generally between 750-1250bar (depends on material and product design) injection speed high (the reinforcing material to be reduced slightly) runners and gates for the solidification time of PA6 is very short, the gate location is important. The gate hole diameter should not be less than 0.5*T (T here is the thickness of plastic parts). If hot runner is used, the gate size should be smaller than the conventional runner because the hot runner can help prevent premature solidification of the material. If the submerged gate is used, the Zui diameter of the gate shall be 0.75mm. Fold this section for other information
The application of folded PA6 in industry

▲‘PP SFO-130A
▲‘PC UF-1017B

PA66 applications: widely used in machinery, instruments, meters, automotive components, electronic and electrical, rail, home appliances, communications, textile machinery, sports leisure products, oil pipes, tanks and some precision engineering products.
Electronics: connectors, spool, timer, circuit breaker, switch shell seat cover
Car: cooling fan, doorknob, fuel tank cap, grille, tank cover, lamp holder
Industrial parts: chair seat, bicycle frame, ice skates base, textile shuttle, pedal, slide transportation
Categories 74G43J-NC010, 77G33L-NC, 77G43L-BK031, 79G13HSL-NC, 7304, NC010
8018, 8018HS, 8061, 80G14AHS-BK099, 80G33HSL-NC010
NC010, ST811HS, ST901HSIL, ZYTA197
Anti-static PA, conductive PA, fiber reinforced fire PA, fire PA, UV resistant, weather resistant, PA, high temperature extrusion grade PA.
Conductive nylon 66: with good wear resistance, heat resistance, oil resistance and chemical resistance, but also greatly reduce the water absorption and shrinkage of raw materials, with excellent dimensional stability and excellent mechanical strength. Requirements for electrostatic dissipation and electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. These specially modified materials are specially formulated and suitable for surface resistance ranges from 100 to 1012 ohms per square meter (ohms), which can be used for injection molding and extrusion molding. There are many advantages over metal and coating: the parts are lighter in weight, easier to handle, and lower in transportation cost. They are easy to assemble, less expensive to manufacture, and less likely to be dented, cut and scratched. For identification or aesthetic purposes, some materials can be pre dyed to avoid free and expensive two coloring processes. ABS QU-0191S↖
╪PA66 13MMG
⊙PA6 HI2152A-
〖PC PC-1020〗
PPS -HMR60/1║
「PA6 B24NFD05⌒
PA12 L1940/热销
PA12 IFL4036/耐寒
ABS A110◢
◤TPV TX-5276
━TPV 201-55W175
PPS L9410-1⊙
【PPS A60】
〈EBA PA-805〉
【PPS R-10-5002C】
▓PA1010 1SBVX-30HLDS
〈EMA EB040F〉
╢PA6 K225-KS∶
【TPU C95A10】
POM M90-04@
╝PA6 N2040MGHLUV2』▲‘TPU 65DE

The performance of LDPE polyethylene depends on the way it is polymerized. High density polyethylene (HDPE) is obtained by Ziegler-Natta polymerization at moderate pressure (15-30 ATM) under organic catalyst conditions. Under these conditions, the polymerized polyethylene molecules are linear, and the molecular chains are very long and the molecular weight is up to hundreds of thousands. If it is under high pressure (100-300MPa), high temperature (190 - 210 degrees C), radical polymerization under peroxide catalysis, the low density polyethylene (LDPE) is produced, and it is branched.

▲‘PP 120LTSC
▲‘PP C371B73

Polymerization pressure size: high pressure, medium pressure, low pressure;
Polymerization methods: slurry method, solution method, gas phase method;
Product density: high density, medium density, low density, linear low density;
Molecular weight of products: low molecular weight, common molecular weight, ultra high molecular weight. Ethylene copolymer: ethylene propylene copolymer (plastic), EVA, ethylene butene copolymer, ethylene and other olefins (such as octene POE, cyclic olefin copolymer), ethylene unsaturated ester copolymer (EAA, EMAA, EEA, EMA, EMMA, EMAH)
A linear polyethylene with a molecular weight of 3000000-6000000 is called ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (PE) is very strong and can be used as a bulletproof vest.
PP common acid and alkali soluble You Ji it almost does not work, can be used for utensils. PP is a semi crystalline material. It is harder than PE and has a higher melting point. Since the PP temperature of homopolymer is more than 0 degrees Celsius, it is very brittle, so many commercial PP materials are copolymers with 1 to 4% ethylene random copolymer or higher ratio ethylene content. The PP material of polymers has lower thermal distortion temperature (100 DEG C), low transparency, low gloss and low rigidity, but has stronger impact strength. The strength of PP increases with the increase of ethylene content. The softening temperature of VEKA at PP is 150 DEG C. Due to its high crystallinity, the surface stiffness and scratch resistance of the material are very good.

公司名 东莞市樟木头千泰塑胶原料有限公司 经营模式贸易型
注册资本150万人民币 公司注册时间2011
公司所在地广东/东莞市 企业类型企业单位 (贸易型)
保 证 金已缴纳 0.00
主营行业塑料原料  , 塑料原料 / 工程塑料  , 


