有效期至长期有效 |
最后更新2009-01-01 13:18 |
浏览次数363 |
品牌:进口 | 产品规格:25KG |
产地:广东东莞 | 包装说明: |
CAS/标准: | 运输说明: |
PP HF-3208H PP HF-3208H▂▲‘PP H2150
▲‘TPU 90A6111
▲‘PBT PF340S4
▲‘PPS 1150A64
▲‘PA6 LS160
▲‘PA6 RB845
▲‘PC 500
▲‘PP 3240EH
▲‘PP HP528H
▲‘PC FXG123R
PA9T TZ101
PC/▲‘PA6 BGZ-50/2
→,PP FB72M
长期供应PP HF-3208H PP HF-3208H▂欢迎来电咨询:158-1846-5693(周生)0769-3321-4396千泰塑胶,提供MSDS,SGS,出厂认证等等材质报告....Long term supply of ABS, so that the different structure will show different performance, showing the toughness of elastomer rubber, AS resin shows hard rigidity, can obtain high impact, impact type, general type and special type of impact shock and several other varieties. Specifically, as the content of B in rubber (usually 5%~30%) increases, the elasticity and impact resistance of the resin increase, but tensile strength, fluidity and weatherability decrease. The content of resin component AS (usually 70%~95%) increases, but it can improve the surface gloss, mechanical strength, weather resistance, heat resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical properties, processing properties, etc.. ABS, 250SG5, ABS 440-345, ABS, 360-X39, ABS, 470-X60, ABS, 180-X18, ABS, 450-X21, ABS, 360-X11 ABS QU-0191S↖
╪PA66 13MMG
⊙PA6 HI2152A-
〖PC PC-1020〗
PPS -HMR60/1║
「PA6 B24NFD05⌒
PA12 L1940/热销
PA12 IFL4036/耐寒
ABS A110◢
◤TPV TX-5276
━TPV 201-55W175
PPS L9410-1⊙
【PPS A60】
〈EBA PA-805〉
【PPS R-10-5002C】
▓PA1010 1SBVX-30HLDS
〈EMA EB040F〉
╢PA6 K225-KS∶
【TPU C95A10】
POM M90-04@
╝PA6 N2040MGHLUV2』→,PEC P304
PBT B3235 supply PBT American GE fire retardant grade 357M, 357U, 357 (UL94, V-0).
The supply of PBT Japan Dongli 1401X34; enhanced 1101G-30,30%GF, 310SEO-1001, DR48-111, standard model; DR48-70011401X06, PBT Japan Dongli 1494X02 non enhanced V-0PBT technology, English Poly benzothiazole
PBT technology is based on the definition of IEEE802.1ah (PBB ProviderBackboneBridge provider backbone bridge) technology, IEEE PBT technology called PBB-T (Provider Backbone Bridge Traffic Engineering, supporting traffic engineering provider backbone bridge). PBB is also called MAC-in-MAC, is a kind of MAC stack technology based on user MAC is encapsulated in the MAC operators, through the two package to isolate user traffic, enhance the security of the Ethernet scalability and service. The key to PBB is to introduce a 24 bit I-TAG (business instance label) into the MAC-in-MAC package to identify the business.
▲‘PC GSH2010SR
Some advantages and disadvantages of /POM 1 advantages, with high mechanical strength and rigidity; fatigue strength of 2 Zui high; 3, environmental resistance, resistance to you of soluble Ji preferred; 4, resistance to repeated impact resistance; 5, wide temperature range (-40 ~120 DEG C); 6, good electrical properties; 7, good recovery; 8, with self lubricity, good abrasion resistance, excellent dimensional stability; 9. Disadvantages are strong acid corrosion, poor weather resistance, poor adhesion, thermal decomposition and softening temperature close to the limit oxygen index is small.
PC, C, the injection pressure is too low, improve the injection pressure
D, die design is not reasonable, increase the runner and gate size
E, forming the low temperature - increasing barrel temperature
, 6 opacity
A, raw material moisture - drying materials
B, lower die temperature - raising mold temperature
C, material thermal decomposition - reduce the forming temperature
7, weld line
▲‘PBT KL1-7265
▲‘PP TF1302
A, die design is not reasonable, the ring gate and gate
B, lower die temperature - raising mold temperature
C, excessive mold release agent -- reducing release agent dosage
D, forming the low temperature - increasing barrel temperature
8, Bracking
A, mold temperature is too low, increasing the die temperature
B, forming the low temperature - increasing barrel temperature ABS QU-0191S↖
╪PA66 13MMG
⊙PA6 HI2152A-
〖PC PC-1020〗
PPS -HMR60/1║
「PA6 B24NFD05⌒
PA12 L1940/热销
PA12 IFL4036/耐寒
ABS A110◢
◤TPV TX-5276
━TPV 201-55W175
PPS L9410-1⊙
【PPS A60】
〈EBA PA-805〉
【PPS R-10-5002C】
▓PA1010 1SBVX-30HLDS
〈EMA EB040F〉
╢PA6 K225-KS∶
【TPU C95A10】
POM M90-04@
╝PA6 N2040MGHLUV2』TPV X5725B
▲‘ 18211
The relative molecular weight of C, the material is too small - to choose material
PA6, FN727, PA6, FN727A, PA6, PLUSPLS93G35DH1BK, PA6, ST7301, PA6, ST811HS
PA6 extremely high thermal stability, can be up to 270 degrees of tin solder tin 5). A wide range of temperature and frequency range of constant electrical, to ensure that the use of equipment, 100 percent safe. Fold 5) with high surface quality and smooth surface. High performance engine peripheral parts of automobile reinforced polyamide composite material around the engine parts, such as intake manifold, the engine cover, can replace the traditional metal materials, in order to meet the requirements for use in motor peripheral components.