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≤TPU德国巴斯夫1185A10U~ 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明: (4) chemical stability: PP has good chemical stabi
2018-04-26 |
≤ABS/PMMA台湾奇美PA-718∫ 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:HDPEThe addition of antioxidant can prevent the deg
2018-04-26 |
█PA66美国杜邦HTN53G50L▇ 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:HIPSRefers to the ability of pigments to withstand
2018-04-26 |
→PA/ABS日本东丽SX01*** 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:With the special requirements of PVC materials need
2018-04-26 |
⊥ETFE美国杜邦HT-2170║ 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:The main industry of PVC resin is amorphous structu
2018-04-26 |
┷PPS日本出光C-140SFBK︾ 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:30P 6mm 93-96 degrees 94.5 degrees35P 6mm 87-93 deg
2018-04-26 |
-PP基础创新塑料(上海)30YK270E-10000╔ 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:Molding shrinkage: 0.1-0.5%Thickness: 2.0-50.mmWate
2018-04-26 |
゜PC/ABS宁波台化AC3108*** 品牌:进口产品规格:齐全产地:广东东莞市包装说明:CAS/标准:运输说明:゜ PC/ABS 宁波台化 AC3108***The glass transition te
2018-04-26 |